• PUBLISHED: 03 March, 2046
  • REPORT BY: Dr. Cassandra Larken, Chief Xeno-Biologist
  • DISTRIBUTION: UDF High Command
  • SUBJECT: BIOMETAL Xeno-Biology
  • DOC: TO 01-47-970 (A23082023)

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The Enigmatic Evolution of Bio-Metal

"Unveiling the mysteries of a new Elysium-System strain."


In this report, we delve into the remarkable discovery of the once liquid Bio-Metal, as a crystalline form. This variant exhibits unique physical and metaphysical properties that challenge our understanding of both matter and energy with Bio-Metal. This study presents an in-depth analysis of Strain-09, its properties, and the intriguing implications it holds for technological and scientific advancements.


Elysium, a planet shrouded in mystery and inhospitable conditions, has proven to be a treasure trove of astonishing discoveries. Among these discoveries is the evolution of Bio-Metal, a previously liquid substance, into crystalline structures. These crystals have defied conventional understanding, raising profound questions about the very nature of matter and the boundaries of our scientific knowledge.

Summary of Substance Properties:

Recovered crystals possess an iridescent, multifaceted appearance, displaying an array of colors that shift with light and perspective. Their crystalline lattice structure, composed of intricate geometries, suggests a meticulous organization of molecular components. Initial analysis has revealed the following remarkable properties:

1. Adaptive Phase States: Strain-09 crystals can transition between solid, liquid, and gaseous phases under extreme conditions. This adaptability enables them to withstand the harsh environments of =REDACTED=, from searing heat to subzero temperatures.

2. Gravity Manipulation: Similar to the base form of Bio-Metal, Strain-09 crystals can be engineered to defy gravity. When subjected to the correct energy frequencies, the crystals display levitation capabilities, defying the planet's gravitational pull.

3. Quantum Resonance: Strain-09 crystals exhibit quantum entanglement with a unique twist. When two or more crystals are placed in proximity, they resonate with each other, enabling instantaneous communication across vast distances. This property has ignited discussions about the development of instantaneous communication networks.

4. Energy Conversion: Strain-09 crystals possess an unparalleled ability to convert ambient energy sources, such as thermal, solar, and kinetic energy, into a potent energy reserve. The efficient conversion rate challenges existing energy-storage technologies.

Elysium: Planet of Contradictions

Elysium, once considered inhospitable due to its extreme and unpredictable conditions, has emerged as a hub for scientific inquiry. The planet's unique geology, including vast crystalline formations and magnetic anomalies, is believed to play a pivotal role in the evolution of Strain-09 crystals. The planet's surface remains a battleground between the harsh environment and the ceaseless resilience of scientific exploration.

Implications and Future Prospects:

The discovery of Strain-09 crystals raises profound questions about the essence of matter, energy, and the fabric of reality itself. The adaptability, gravity manipulation, quantum resonance, and energy conversion properties suggest potential applications in various fields:

1. Advanced Materials: This substance could revolutionize material science, enabling the creation of ultra-light yet impenetrably strong structures.

2. Energy Revolution: The energy conversion capabilities of Strain-09 crystals could pave the way for cleaner, more efficient energy solutions, reshaping industries and reducing humanity's ecological footprint.

3. Quantum Communication: The quantum resonance property opens avenues for secure, instantaneous communication across galaxies, with potential applications in both scientific research and interstellar diplomacy.

Executive Summary

The discovery of Bio-Metal through Strain-09 crystals on Elysium challenges the boundaries of scientific understanding and opens doors to a new era of technological advancement. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of these crystals and their implications, we must remain vigilant in our pursuit of knowledge and ethical considerations to harness their potential for the betterment of all.

This report presents the findings of the UNITED DEFENSE FORCE's (UDF) in-depth analysis of the newly discovered Strain-09 crystals on the enigmatic planet Elysium. Classified under Project =REDACTED=, these crystals represent an evolution of the previously known Bio-Metal substance. This document outlines the unique properties, potential applications, and strategic implications of the crystalline for UDF's scientific research, military advancement, and solar security endeavors.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
    1. Background on Elysium and the initial discovery.
    2. Project =REDACTED= mission and objective.
    3. Involvement of the “Research, Drilling, and Space Authority”.
  2. Crystalline Properties
    1. Adaptive phase states: Implications for extreme environment utilization.
    2. Gravity manipulation: Potential for advanced propulsion systems.
    3. Quantum resonance: Secure communication possibilities.
    4. Energy conversion: Transforming the energy landscape.
  3. Elysium: Strategic Importance
    1. Analyzing Elysium's geological and magnetic anomalies.
    2. Implications for UDF's presence and resource acquisition.
  4. Technological Applications
    1. Advanced materials development: Reinventing armor and structures.
    2. Energy revolution: Clean energy solutions and reduced ecological impact.
    3. Quantum communication: Secured interstellar communication networks.
  5. Strategic Deployment Considerations
    1. Ethical considerations in harnessing Strain-09 potential.
    2. Recommendations for further research and development.

The UDF's exploration of Elysium and the subsequent discovery of Strain-09 crystals have ushered in a new era of technological and strategic opportunities. These crystals, with their unprecedented properties, offer the UDF the chance to advance not only our military capabilities but also our understanding of the cosmos itself. The strategic implications of harnessing Strain-09 crystals demand careful consideration, with an eye toward ensuring the safety, security, and prosperity of humanity and the solar frontier at large.


  • STRUCTURE: Crystalline
  • SUBSTANCE: Bio-Metal
  • DISCOVERY: 03 MARCH 2046 - Elysium System (upon initial exploration)

DISCLAIMER: The findings and conclusions of this report are subject to ongoing research and validation.

  • PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES: Mineral’s surface colors are a variant of Violet or Blue. Lower density (kg/m3) than other [Bio-Metal] Strains. Rigid and durable crystalline shapes. Limited or partial luminescence. Does not follow the standard [chrome] appearance of known Bio-Metal strains, unless fabricated or altered specifically.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Found in intersperse clusters, ranging from small to large quantities. Produces surface-outgrowths similar to Bio-Metal pools, geysers, and other deposits. Produces sub-surface deposits and growths.
  • EXTRACTION PRECAUTIONS: Can be drilled, mined, extracted, cut or sliced (tampering does not diminish harvestable value). Safe to effectively transport and gather. Official harvesting evaluation has yet to be conducted. Strain-09’s worth is assumed to be the equitable, if not more valuable, than traditional [Bio-Metal] deposits.
  • SUSPECTED SOURCE/ORIGINATION: Elysium System bodies, such as =REDACTED=, have the highest discovered concentrations of [Bio-Metal] Strain-09. =REDACTED= has the highest concentration of the strain, making it the most probable origination. Strain-09 contains elements of artificiality, suggesting utilization for Cthonian fabrications, possibly for purposes of progenation of sentient craft? Bio-chemical/molecular properties are reminiscent of the method to create sentient Furies using [Bio-Metal] Strain-03. No Fury remnants have been observed to contain direct similarities or instances of Strain-09. Possible conclusions derive that Strain-09 was not present or involved, at all, in the initial creation of the Furies by the Cthonians. Strain-09 may have been used for the fabrication of something(s) remaining entirely unknown, and at a later time.